
The pizza is aggressive.
The pizza is aggressive.

the pizza is aggressive.

I personally don’t care for Little Ceasars, so this doesn't really change anything for me. Others are commenting that they have also worked there and that the video is accurate to how their location prepared the sauce.

the pizza is aggressive.

Some users commented on the post saying that they used to work at a Little Ceasars and they never saw the sauce made like that.

the pizza is aggressive.

It's unclear if this is actually how Little Ceasars makes their sauce. User left a comment saying that they don’t care and “the pizza still hits.” Others agree with that comment, mentioning that they don’t care how it’s made as long as it tastes good. On the other end, some people are completely unbothered by what they see in the video. One commenter brought up how the container being on the floor could be a food safety hazard, while other commenters are very concerned about the use of a power tool to mix the sauce rather than a stand mixer or other kitchen utensil. The video has received mixed reactions, but most of them express disgust.

The pizza is aggressive.